Renewable Energy – A Sociopolitical, Environmental and Economical Solution?

Renewable Energy – A Sociopolitical, Environmental and Economical Solution?

Dismantle the Obstacles For Women:

We need to include more women in the renewable energy sector. Women across Canada are diversifying the energy sector through climate action, for example, the Pembina Institute will launch a series called Women in Energy Transformation in the next month which will focalize on empowering women nationally to get involved with renewable energy in their communities. Countless women everywhere are beginning to advocate for the underrepresented communities which are directly impacted by energy sectors, as well as economical justice. Over time, there has been an increase of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), and steadily, the numbers continue to grow. According to Macleans Magazine, 22% of women are currently in STEM related careers and jobs. Since 1987, only There has only been a 2 percent increase in women in over 30 years. It is essential that societally, education and opportunities are presented to all demographics, and that  One message is clear – there are crucial societal impacts with the climate crisis, and women globally will be impacted unless we collectively think and act upon climate solutions.

Provide Incentives:

     Ontario currently offers 4 different solar and energy rebate incentives –

  1. Energy Affordability Program
  • Energy efficiency incentives for home owners who fall below certain “threshholds”, such as free assessments, faucet aerators, LED lighting, etc.
  1. Enbridge Home Efficiency Rebate
    – rebates are offered to assist with furnaces, windows, water heaters, doors and air-sealing
  2. Enbridge Home Winterproofing Program
    – free efficiency improvements for insulation, smart thermostats, air sealing and more
  3. Enbridge Smart Thermostat Rebate
    -$75 dollar rebates are provided for “smart thermostats”

Data from Natural Resources Canada has gone on to show that solar systems in Ontario, on average, produce 1166kWh of electricity per KW of yearly solar panels installed.

               Net metering is considered one of the greatest policies to enhance solar feasibility in Ontario.  So what is net-metering? Net metering is a program which allows home owners to earn credits for any excess energy that they produce, which in turn, banks this excess energy as “credits” which can be used towards future bills. These credits can be carried on a month to month basis. It is essential to take note of the fact that these “net-metering credits” expire on a yearly basis, and thus, must be used in a timely manner.

Provide Green Job Opportunities  

It is essential that Ontario transitions and ensures that economy is both sustainable and efficient. Over 300,000 jobs have been lot in the last decade alone – and these jobs could potentially be replaced by solar alternatives, and other renewable energy jobs. A study released by the Canadian Renewable Energy Association proved that doubling Ontario solar-generation capacity would assist in aiding costs for up to $250 million per year.  In 2021, the Minister of Natural Resources, Seamus O-Regan Jr, inaugurated a program that supports grid modernization and “smart” renewable energy. This $964 million program will invest in the following areas: wind, hydro, geothermal, tidal, storage and solar.

Ontario recently released the “Green Investment Fund”, which will assist with various projects across all sectors to assist with climate action, grow the economy, and produce jobs. The projects will be under the following components: for homeowners to use less energy, create more electric charging vehicle stations, retrofit social housing, help businesses reduce emissions, as well as assist Indigenous communities with training, tools and proper infrastructure to empower climate action.

Consider connecting with Terawatt Solar to assist you with Canada’s renewable and clean energy process. Our licensed consultants and installers can ease you through your transition to solar to ensure that you optimize your home ecologically, affordably and with great ease. We are here to help you with your energy and solar needs.

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