Things To Do In Toronto

Looking for Things to Do in Toronto Ontario?
The beautiful and diverse city of Toronto, which is the capital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada offers its visitors a wide range of options… Read More
Is There a Future in Renewable Energy in Canada? Why is it Important?

In 2018, the IPCC released an executive summary which stated that ethical considerations must be made in order to understand the critical implications that climate change has on our planet. Furthermore, the report states that… Read More
Solar and the Circular Economy

At Terawatt Solar, we take careful steps to ensure the utmost responsibility to minimize our carbon emissions. We believe that transitioning to renewable energy is a quintessential step that we can take to ensure locally… Read More
The Impact of Renewable Energy on Our Globe & Our Future

Global Impacts of Renewable Energy:
In 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by the Generable Assembly to aspire and inspire the Globe for a sustainable future. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals have 169… Read More
Is Residential Solar Worth Investing In?

If you are looking to energy retrofit your home, solar panels and PV energy are a great consideration. Terawatt Solar is here to help you with your solar needs. Contact us today to begin your… Read More
What Are the Current Trends in Renewable Energy?
Renewable energy is an energy alternative which is sustainable, and thus, does not
deplete itself or run out. Energy can overarchingly exist in a multitude of forms – electrically, mechanically, thermally, chemically and is always… Read More